While taxiing to the gate in Brussels, there was an eerie calm surrounding the runway. Maybe it was the jetlag taking effect or the difference between the Brussels and Newark runways, but either way, it was strange knowing I had made it to Europe.
Newark International Airport |
Brussels National Airport |
After getting my bags, I got on the train, which boarded underneath the airport. Honestly, it was pretty underwhelming based on what I've heard about European trains. Instead of a sleek, shiny interior, I was sitting in what can only be described as an Arby's dining room--orange and yellow were everywhere and fluorescent tubes gave off a stinky light. Nonetheless, riding the train was actually kind of fun, even if I wasn't sure whether or not I was even on the right train.
Suburban Brussels from the train |
Luckily, I got off at the right station and made the 15 minute walk to my hostel--the Sleep Well--and got there around 8:30. Check-in wasn't until 3pm, so I spent most of the day walking around the city. Sure, I made an ass of myself (see, Eric tries to speak French), but I also got to see some pretty amazing architecture and a nod to home:
You'd be surprised the toll that aimlessly walking around a city can take on a person. Stay tuned for more pictures of what such worldly exploits can bring...
Must feel great being surrounded by history, beautiful architecture...and beer everywhere! Take it all in, Eric, a pint at a time...