Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Amsterdam: Where the Bike and Funny Car Are King

Let's play a little game called word association.  Ready?  Ok, here's the word:  Amsterdam.  What comes to mind?  I bet you said weed, prostitutes, tulips, windmills, and Goldmember.  To be sure, these are all fine answers (and I would've said those, too), but after being in Amsterdam for about a week, I will forever associate that sleepy Dutch town with bicycles and funny looking cars.  As soon as you leave the Central Station, there is a four-level parking garage filled with bikes.

Clearly, this is a bike-oriented city.  I'd imagine, then, that driving is a hellish ordeal--with hard to find parking spaces and bikes and pedestrians all over the place, you need a car that can deal with these obstacles.  Ladies and gentlemen, here is that car. 

And here's another one.

Pretty awesome, huh?  But, believe it or not, there is more to Amsterdam than these cars.  And with a reputation as a lawless party spot, there's a lot that gets missed, such as the Vondelpark, a 120 acre park in the middle of the city.  It had tons of walking paths, statues, and the best playground ever.

Another spot worth checking out is the Museumplein, a large greenspace that is surrounded by some museums, including the Rijksmuseum and the Van Gogh Museum.  Both of these museums were great, even though a majority of the Rijksmuseum was closed, and had great collections. 

Upon the advice of my couchsurfing host, Tim, I headed to the city's library, which has one of the better vantage points in Amsterdam, with fellow UVMer Jason.  A really nice place to spend some time, the library is very modern looking and has everything you could possibly want from a library--including a bar.

After checking out the library, Jason and I climbed the steps of the science center.  Another spot with good views of the city, the science center has a massive seating area with a life-sized Connect Four as well as some small waterways that cascade down the steps.

Unfortunately, I've got a debilitating case of writer's block going on now, so I think we're going to skip to the big finish--photo dump time.  But before I go, I'd like to thank Tim for being such a great host and taking time out of working on his thesis to show me around Amsterdam. 

Lots of houses in Amsterdam have a hook for moving large objects to the upper floors.  As you can maybe tell, the city is just begging for some slapstick comedy involving movers and a piano. 

Herring sandwich with potato salad


Not a coffeeshop.  Seriously.

"I amsttsburgh" just doesn't sound as nice.  Have a good week everyone.


  1. Eric:

    Bikes and small cars in Amsterdam serve as a preview of what is to come in the years ahead here - maybe even PEVs (Plug-In Electric Vehicles). Europe is way ahead of us across a number of energy and environmental fronts.

    Sounds like Amsterdam was fun - the pics look great. By the way, I just received today the postcard you sent to me on October 1st (a mere 12 days!). The pics of the canals are awesome.

    I assume after Berlin comes Munich and Prague?

    Continued safe travels, Eric.



    I love that bike garage. Thats where my dutch friend Dave works. Wish you could have met him. Also, did you have the good fortune of seeing any rowdy young Dutch throwing a tiny car into the canals for fun? Hope you're having fun in the Vaterlan.

  3. Dad: Amsterdam was great. I can't see the car/personal vehicle being overtaken by the bike (or other forms of transportation) in the US anytime soon, but maybe you're right.

    And yes, after Berlin, I'm going to Munich then Prague (with possible stops in between). I like Berlin so much though, so I'm going to stay for another week.

    Conor: I also wish I could've met Dave; I almost walked in and asked if he knew you and Alex, but unfortunately did not. And I never saw any Dutch kids throwing The Car into the canals. The Vaterland ist super phantastisch--Berlin is the best place I've been so far (look for more details soon). It's going to be tough to beat, but we'll see what the rest of Europe's got to offer.

    Keep playing your part as a cog in the machine buddy.

  4. Cool pictures Eric! Especially with the mysterious black dot haunting you down wherever you go in Europe :)
    Good to know you've made it to Berlin and having a great timt there. The only city in Europe which beats Amsterdam I think. Enjoy the rest of your travels dude! Cheers

  5. Eric buddy, where are you? Keep me alive here, I'm living through you.

  6. agreed with spam. this blog is unkempt. much like spam in the winter months.

  7. Heinrich,

    Your little black spot is like the travelocity gnome. You're so cleverische.

